Sell To Us

We are always looking to buy your unwanted vinyl LPs, CDs, DVDs, cassettes and video games!

We buy goods every day at every store and we are happy to look at what you have whether it is one CD or the entire contents of a storage space.  If you want to know ahead of time whether it is worth bringing in or whether we can make a house call, please fill out the form below. It is likely in most cases we will say to bring your goods in for us to see in person. Whether it is worth it to you will probably be based on the number of items you have and how far out of your way you need to go to visit us.

If bringing larger quantities to the shop, we have handtrucks to help carry boxes from your car to the shop. While there are exceptions to the rule, we usually only do house calls when there is a large quantity involved. Whether we can make a house call can depend on a number of factors – the quantity and format of the collection as well as the distance from our shops. Please inquire using the form below if you need a house call.  We prefer evaluating your goods at the shop since we have access to our database and can most accurately value your records and other items. We also have good lighting for evaluating the condition of vinyl or discs. Another advantage to bringing collections to us is that it is much easier to schedule. Simply come in during regular buying hours (any time up to an hour before closing) with the expectation that there might be a bit of a wait depending on the size of your collection and how many other customer’s collections we need to look at before yours.

We generally inspect each record, CD or DVD being sold and that can take time. We will give you an idea of how long it will take based on how much you have brought to us. For large quantities we can take your phone number and call when we are finished. We rarely need to keep anything over night.

Sometimes it’s better to call and discuss what you have with us. We don’t always have someone on hand to arrange house calls, but we will have someone get back to you as soon as possible.

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